Hormone fluctuations, poor sleep, an unhealthy diet or, for example, mental stress and negative feelings can make it easier for pathogens to overcome our defences. 

The body can react very differently to a weakened immune system. Frequent infections, which sometimes last a little longer, are a very clear sign, but fatigue, lack of motivation, cracked corners of the mouth, dull-looking skin and hair or concentration problems can also be signals that we should pay attention to. 

Hygiene tips – the right level for the immune system

In order to keep annoying viruses at bay and not let them into the body in the first place, a certain level of hygiene is important. Many pathogens are transmitted from person to person by droplet infections, for example when speaking, sneezing or coughing, or by shaking hands every day. You should pay particular attention to the following points: 

  • Wash your hands as often as possible: 

You should think about this especially after blowing your nose or being in public spaces. Then dry your hands thoroughly. 

  • Use paper tissues only once: 

If possible, throw used tissues in a closable rubbish bin immediately after a single use 

  • It's best to cough and sneeze into your sleeve: 

Because you touch so much with your hands every day, viruses spread easily. 

  • Avoid touching your face with your hands: 

Make sure that your mucous membranes (eyes, nose and mouth) do not come into contact with viruses. 

  • Avoid close body contact: 

Especially during cold and flu seasons, you should avoid close physical contact so as not to infect others or yourself. 

  • Change your toothbrush after a bacterial infection: 

Unfortunately, our toothbrushes are true bacteria magnets, as they love a humid climate. Our body develops protection against past viral infections, but bacteria can be repeatedly transmitted. 

BUT: Too much hygiene can also be harmful, because our body needs contact with microorganisms in order to be able to form the specific immune system. It is therefore important to find the right middle ground.